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  • Writer's pictureDiana C Peterson

Ditch the Bathroom Walk of Shame & Support Local Businesses

The bathroom walk of shame - we’ve all done it. We’re not proud of it, but we’ve learned to live with it. This the stealth move of bypassing the hostess at a restaurant you are not patronizing and making a beeline for the bathroom. Your heart beats fast, you feel like everyone knows, and when you walk out the door you feel like you just stole something. And then… you do it again. In New York City we have, to some extent, felt like this is our right. It costs the restaurant nothing and we’re just innocently meeting a sometimes desperate need. No one loses their shirt. Then COVID-19 came and it changed everything.

More than half of New York restaurants say they are in danger of closing. Many have already been lost. Places where we had our first dates, where we fell in love and had drinks with friends. Where we celebrated our accomplishments and mourned our failures. But most importantly, where we went to the bathroom. In a time when restaurants are struggling to survive our walk of shame means everyone loses their shirt. So what do you do when you're out of options? You get creative.

Meet Lookies - Join our platform, locate a restaurant and buy a Lookie at the door to get in. Support a local business, ditch the walk of shame and change the way you go.

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